Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fall = Tomato Soup

I’ve been back to school over a month, so to me, it seems like fall.  What is my favorite thing about fall?  It very well could be tomato soup.   This morning when I work up I decided that my long weekend would not be complete without some super delicious tomato soup.
            I have also been trying to save money. So, I felt the need to go to the cabinets and see what I could find to make some delicious, warm tomato soup. 

            2 cans diced tomatoes with basil and garlic
            1 cup diced onions
            1 tablespoon salted light butter
            spray olive oil
            1 cup tomato juice
1. Drain the cans of tomatoes.  (Save the juice).  Place on parchment paper. Spray lightly with olive oil.  Then broil the tomatoes.

2. Cook the onions and butter until the onions are soft. 

3. Combine the broiled tomatoes, onions, juices and blend. 

4. Bring to boil; reduce heat.  Cook on medium for half and hour.

Super easy, super delicious.  I think I will be enjoying some soup and grilled cheese today.