Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Chili

Its getting chilly outside, so its time to start making chili.   I have recently started adding roasted pumpkin to mine and it is DELICIOUS!!!  (and SO SO SO SO very easy)

Pumpkin Chili
1 - 2 cups roasted pumpkin (i use the small pumpkins-  cut in half, scoop out seeds, bake in an oven pulp side down in a water bath at 350 for about 45 minutes)

1 can garbonzo beans, drained

2 cans diced tomatos

2 packages of chili seasoning

1 onion, chopped

2 bell peppers, chopped (red, green, orange, yellow--- it does not matter)

1/2 cup- 1 cup sliced mushrooms

Cook for a couple of hours OR in a crock pot all day!   ENJOY!!!!!