Monday, January 10, 2011

Red Velvet Trifle

Red Velvet Cake is my favorite. After watching one of my favorite episodes of Friends where Rachel makes a trifle (as Joey would say, "Whats not to like?? meat- good, jam- good, custard- good) I decided that I needed to make one as well. I think Joey would agree that it was GOOD!

to make the cake
- Red Velvet Cake mix (yes, I know it is
cheating, but I was in a hurry and I wasn't really sure it was going to work)
- 3 eggs
- 2/3 cups water
- 1/3 cup oil (usually when I am make a cake I use applesauce, but I was out, so oil was
my other option
- half a box of cheesecake pudding
Combine all this (there is something scary about just how RED the batter is) and bake according to directions on the box.

Let me take a moment to talk about my most favorite cooking utensil... EVER. It would be the Pampered Chef Mix & Masher. I use it to mix cookies, cakes, brownies, etc. (you dont need to get the mixer out because it can be done with this great tool), i use it for guacamole and pretty much anything else that involves stirring. You should get one, ASAP! My AMAZING and AWESOME friend Stephanie will gladly help you get all the Pampered Chef Goodness that you need.

After the cake is baked, let it cool and crumble it up. Then you are ready for the creamy goodness. How I made mine was:
- 1 block of cream cheese
- about 1/2-1/2 cup of sugar
- 8 oz cool whip
- the other half of a box of cheesecake pudding
Combine these ingredients and layer with the cake, keep refrigerated

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