Saturday, January 1, 2011

You unlock this door with the key of imagination...

I love The Twilight Zone. It is one of my favorite shows. I love Rod Serling. There is something eerie and attractive about him. I LOVE Tower of Terror at Hollywood studios at Disney World—who would not enjoy traveling through the opening credits and seeing and hearing Rod Serling face to face???? (SERIOUS downside of breaking one’s spine … I won’t be riding it again- makes me SO sad)

As New Years Day comes to a close, so does the annual Twilight Zone marathon. After several friends commented and referenced it on Facebook today, It made me think about what are my favorite 5 episodes and why… so here is my top 5 list.

5. THE DUMMY- simply put, this is the reason I am afraid of ventriloquist dolls. I have nightmares about them. I cannot be in the room with them. Clearly, they are all really alive, thanks Rod.

4. THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER- the best way to truly enjoy this episode is to watch it with kids who have never seen it… cover the screen the last few minutes and just have them listen. Have them guess what happens. Then let them watch it- the discussion that follows is AWESOME!

3.THE AFTER HOURS- I would also like to thank Mr. Serling for my fear of mannequins.

When they start saying “Marsha, MARsha, MARSHA” it terrifies me.

2. NUMBER 12 LOOKS LIKE YOU- Great concept, great episode… LOVE IT!!!

1. LIVING DOLL- TalkingTina is scary. SO SO SO very scary. Quite possibly the scariest fictional charactger ever. I hate dolls with blinky eyes because of Tina. I watch this episode fairly often and let me say… I’m pretty sure I get more scared EVERY time!

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